Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Part 1: Principle 1: Don't Criticize, Condemn or Complain

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.  But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving." 

Really take a moment to think about this very first principle because it is powerful.  In the past few months I have been really focusing on being positive and saying positive things to others and to myself.  It wasn't until I read this chapter that I really realized that even though I am being more positive, I am still being negative because I am criticizing others and complaining about them.  And most of the time it was to myself, which I think can even be worse than saying it out loud because then it is just stewing around in my head.

Since reading this chapter I have caught myself complaining about things and criticizing those around me.  And I do it A LOT more than I thought I did, which means you probably are too.  Realize this though, it may not be all of your fault.  Think about what you brought up around.  Most likely it was complaining and criticizing.  Men are stupid, My boss is an idiot, Why can't people learn how to drive... Do any of these sound familiar to you?  Look in the you really like what you see (hear)?

Now, this isn't something that you can change over night.  Trust me, I still complain and criticize.  So how can you get on a better path?  Take the time to really realize what you are saying.  How often are you criticizing someone?  How often are you complaining about someone or something?  And when you criticize, condemn or complain, does that really change the situation?

Check out this article that really puts it well and illustrates the message of this principle. "Don't Occupy Wall Street"

I would love to hear your thoughts!

Friday, October 7, 2011

"How to Win Friends & Influence People" - Dale Carnegie

I don't know about you, but I can defenitely say I do not like to read or maybe I should say I didn't like to read when I was younger.  When I was in middle school and high school I wasn't a big fan of reading and I think there are 2 main reasons why.

1- Neither of my parents read much.  And I don't ever recall seeing a book in their hands.
2- When I did read, it was because I was "forced" to for school (and for those of you that don't know me, I don't like to be told what to do).

When I started college I always remember saying, "I wish I liked reading, I just don't like it."  And I think I felt that way because I was starting to realize that reading really does make you smarter.  To be honest, I didn't read much more than I had to in college either.

So where am I now?  I still have a hard time reading and not dosing off, but what I have found is that I LOVE reading when it is my choice.  I have always loved learning new skills, facts, really I knew this was going to be one vehicle to help me learn.

I started a side business not too long ago and I found that reading personal improvement/development books are really what I like.  These books are going to be the ones that help me succeed as a business woman, a coach and maybe most importantly as a wife.

I have just started reading "How to Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie and what a great book so far!  This book will be my main focus for this blog, but more than that this blog is just going to be a journal for my thoughts.  I welcome your comments, so please do let me know what you are thinking.

It would be really cool too, if you bought this book and read it at the same time as me because then we can compare notes.  And even though I have already started, I am somewhat of a slow reader so it won't take long for you to catch up.  I know you will love this book :)

~ Michelle's Mind

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm Back and Better Than Ever! :)

To those of you who followed my last blog; Thank you!  My last blog was about making lifestyle changes to improve your physical health and sharing what I was doing.  I am happy to report that I am still living that lifestyle and it feels great!

This blog is going to be about another lifestyle change.  This change is not necessarily a change, but more of a modification of how I go about my life on a daily basis.

My Goal:  To give you a different outlook on life

I have been reading some amazing books, going to trainings and listening to audios for a while now and it has radically changed how I approach my life and you will see that throughout this blog.

I will be posting updates on books I am reading and what I am learning while I am reading.  I will also be sharing what I have been learning with the trainings and audios I have been going to and listening to.

I appreciate your comments and you sharing this blog with your friends and family that you think could benefit from a little bit of change :)

Let's Begin...