Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Keep Your Money :: Tip 1

Keep Your Money :: Tip 1-Walk if off

You may be asking yourself, how does walking save me money? Well, as I said in my first post was that J and I not only saved money, but we are also healthier and have lost weight...think of it as a bonus :)

The most obvious way to have walking save you money is to walk places instead of driving because, of course, gas prices never seem to get any lower.  This tip is one that most of us have probably heard before is to walk to the store, gym, work, a friend's house...

Now if you are one of those people that doesn't live in town or close to where you work, you may just toss this tip to the side and just say, Next Tip Please! Remember, I asked you to commit to these tips.  So let's get creative and figure out how we can use this tip in a way that works for you.

Most of probably try to run multiple errands during one outing, so when you are out and about are there any places you stop that are close to each other?  For instance, if you live in Madison and you are planning on going shopping at Kohl's and the Mall on the West side.  Try parking at the end of the lot so that you are in the middle of both buildings and walk back and forth from each building.  You will definitely be getting more exercise and you will be saving that little bit of gas money.  And really, if you think about it, this probably won't even take any longer because you are going to spend time getting in the car, driving to the next store and looking for a new stall.

Another way you can use this tip if walking is really difficult for you is to find a carpool buddy and take turns driving one another to run errands (assuming you are going to the same stores or ones that are close to each other).

One more version of this tip that can be more time conscious than walking is instead of walking, try biking.  :)

This is just the first tip for you and although this by itself will probably not save you a significant amount of money right away, it will in the long term and this along with the future tips can really make a difference.

One important thing to remember that easily gets lost in this day of the internet and instant gratification is that you really need to think about how what you do today will affect you tomorrow because in the end it will whether you want it to or not.

Have you ever walked somewhere instead of driving?  Where will you start walking to now?  Please comment and share!

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